Friday 7 February 2014

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Research results

Example Questionnaire

Who's your favourite actor/actress?

There was a variety of answers from Mia Kishner to Johnny Depp to Morgan Freeman

What's your favourite film?

This question also brought a variety of answers from The Lion King to Step Brothers to Taken

What is your favourite movie genre?

The majority of people said Comedy was there favourite genre, with a generous amount of people saying Horror and Thriller

Do you like horror movies?

Most people answered yes to this question

Do you like zombie movies? If yes, which ones?

Again, most people answered yes to this question, with only people responding with a no

Are you male or female?

We had a pretty even spread of male and female recipients

What is your age?

The youngest age was 16 and the oldest 36, with most people being 18

What do you like about zombie films?

We had a variety of answers from gore, blood, violence and "nothing"

What's your favourite horror movie?

We had a load of different films ranging from Zombieland to Dawn of the Dead

What "types" of zombies do you find yourself most fearful of?

Fast, Vicious ones

What do you think is the best scenario for zombies to outbreak?

Most people said some type of infection was the best way for an outbreak to occur

What do you think is the best way for a zombie movie to end?

Suprisingly, most people said they enjoy seeing everyone die

What do you feel is the best style of a zombie movie (e.g jumpy/gory)

Most people said "Jumpy"

Do you think the zombie movie is better with just a small group of zombies or a large number of them?

People primarily want a large number of zombies

Do you think the main character should be alone against the zombies or in a group of main characters against zombies?

Most people said they wanted a lone, isolated character

Monday 13 January 2014

Examinus Thilm Magazine Cover

This is the poster for our Zombie Thriller titled; Exanimus.

It depicts an undead hand laying severed on the ground. It shows what the movie is about at a glance and accompanied with the "blood splattered" sets the mood for the film and the magazine's contents.